Whether you are shopping for Whiting hackle, Whiting dry fly capes or saddles, we have over 1,000 Whiting capes and saddles in stock across several different Whiting brands and in many different hackle colors. We take a photo of every Whiting cape and saddle and size the hackle of each one before uploading to our hackle product catalog to help take the guess work out of buying Whiting hackle from JimsFlyCo online.

Whiting Grizzly Hackle
Whiting Coachman Brown Hackle
Whiting Coachman Brown Hackle
Whiting Dun Cree Hackle
Whiting Dun Cree Hackle
Whiting Medium Grey Dun Hackle
Whiting Medium Grey Dun Hackle

A Better Way To Shop Whiting Hackle

Selecting the right Whiting hackle grade and color across the different Whiting Farms brands can be daunting. If you start by going to our All Whiting Hackle Colors page you can select a hackle color and immediately see all available, in-stock Whiting hackle grades and Whiting brands together. If you are confused about the Whiting hackle grading system see our page on Whiting Hackle Grades.